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المصنع المباشر الإمداد الأوتوماتيكي مصنع المعالجة الإريثريتول

تصفح الكمية:0     الكاتب:محرر الموقع     نشر الوقت: 2022-11-24      المنشأ:محرر الموقع

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المصنع المباشر الإمداد الأوتوماتيكي مصنع المعالجة الإريثريتول


Erythritol Project Introduction

Erythritol uses commercial starch as a raw material. The commercial starch dissolves by adding water to get starch slurry. The slurry mixing tank makes the starch slurry. The slurry adjustment follows the appropriate DS, PH value, and enzyme. The process must also maintain the DE or DX value to reach the qualified final product. After the slurry mixing, the starch slurry is sent to the liquefaction and saccharification stage for internal structure change through enzymes and other aiding ingredients. Then the glucose transfer to the following process. And the glucose enters the filtration stage to remove the less protein and other impurities mixed in the product. After filtration, the liquid glucose goes through decoloring, filtering, and a continuous ion exchange system to remove the colored impurities and impurity ions so that the glucose can achieve the purpose of refining and purification. Then the glucose is transferred to the fermentation system to add strain and nutrition to change the internal structure of glucose and change to the desired product. Then the fermented product goes through an evaporation system for concentration to make the crystal. The system maintains the cooling curve for the crystal and the time in this process. at last; the centrifugal separation separates the qualified crystal and mother liquid. Then the crystal was dried by a dryer. After drying, the final eligible erythritol product is generated.


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